
but then I was like „Oh Yeah! LOL!“

Using Social Media Icons in a LaTeX Document

Recently I wrote a letter of application to a local software firm. With my letter of application I sent a CV and because I was applying for a position as a Ruby/Rails/Web developer writing the application in Word or Pages was not an option and geek cred aside, in my opinion everything of importance you write should be written in LaTeX just because it looks a lot nicer than your everyday WYSIWYG-Editor.

Latex a beautiful thing.

I ended up using moderncv (the classic version) for my cv and scrlttr2 out of komascript for my application letter.

moderncv comes with a header by default where you can put your contact information.

default moderncv header

I thought it would be nice to also put my GitHub and Twitter account data in the header. With corresponding icons of course. Surprisingly despite its serious degree of awesome LaTeX does not support GitHub or Twitter icons out of the box so I had to find a way to insert them manually.

Turns out that’s pretty simple. LaTeX supports a way to include images and even vector graphics in text inline. You just have to specify which image you want to insert and the respective font-size to make it look seamless.

Assuming you have a font-size of 12pt in your text and want to include github’s octocat (saved as octocatvector.eps) and a link to your github repository:

github-icon inline
\includegraphics[height=12pt]{octocatvector.eps}~<link to your github repository>

My result looks like this.

result moderncv

That’s really everything there is to it. You can do this with any image, LaTeX will scale it to any size you specify but naturally vector graphics will be the best option because you can scale them without loss of quality.

Here’s what my document looks like when zoomed in very close to my github-line.

result scaled

